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Last login: 15 years ago
Skinner since: 17 years ago
Gender: Male
Age: 38

Anonymous Identity

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Relation: Is a Secret
Mobile Model: Nokia 6600, Motorola L6, Nokia 2100
Mobile Operator: Smart Telecoms
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Oracle: Life is hard for musicians, for drummers it's nearly impossible!

OwnSkin In-A-Box

About Me

I am friendly, maybe... I may be a best friend that
no one takes the chance of losing. I never hurt feelings and
seldom have my own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. I am
witty, and calm most of the time. I take charge of my life, and place less faith in my luck and
more in my own deeds. I solve problems in a practical,
uncomplicated manner. I take a realistic view of the things in my
daily life and tackle them without wavering. I am given a great
deal of responsibility at work, because people know that I can be
depended upon.
quite often I am a person who has quite fixed ideas, and influencing me is no easy task. I tend to be an extremist with strong likes and dislikes; and at times I even like to control a situation. I enjoy getting involved in something that presents mental challenge. I am like a kitten when I am with my partner. I accommodate the love of my life, and make up for all the strong will elsewhere!
Other people see me as sensible, cautious, careful and practical.
They see me as clever, gifted or talented, but modest. I am Not a person
who makes friends too quickly or too easily, but I am someone who is
extremely loyal to my friends. Those who really get to know me realize that it takes a lot to shake my trust in my friends, but, equally, that
it takes me a long time to get over it if that trust is shaken.

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