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jlGui player Applet is the applet version of jlGui, Music Player for the Java™ platform, free, open source project. To play any MP3 or OGG Vorbis file/stream, you need a browser JavaSound 1.0 compliant : Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera ... with Java™ Plugin 1.3 or higher.
hyper.mp3 sample by 'Scooter'
from www.scootertechno.com
(Javascript Control Panel sample)
- Skin by Bleach -
Click here to test jlGuiApplet
self-signed edition.
(It also includes the full
Javascript control panel).
Download & Install :
Editions English
jlGuiApplet 2.3.2a - Full Edition
(MP3 & Ogg Vorbis support, 4 skins, Javascript Control Panel,
unsigned jars, source code) [zip] - 1148KB
[Mirror AT] [Mirror RU]
jlGuiApplet 2.3.2a - Self-Signed Edition
(MP3 & Ogg Vorbis support, 4 skins, Javascript Control Panel,
self-signed jars => no security restrictions) [zip] - 1073KB
To install jlGuiApplet (full edition), you have to copy lib/ folder including all jar files, jlgui.ini, playlist.m3u, playerapplet.js and skins/ folder in the directory of your web page. Then you have to copy/paste code see below somewhere in your HTML source code and update parameters (in blue below) in playerapplet.js.
The jlGuiApplet above is the result of the following HTML code (including JavaPlugin code).
<!-- jlGui Applet : Begin copy/paste -->
<script src="playerapplet.js"></script>
<!-- jlGui Applet : End copy/paste -->
playerapplet.js sample :
var _info = navigator.userAgent;
var _ns = false;
var _ns6 = false;
var _ie = (_info.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 && _info.indexOf("Win") > 0 && _info.indexOf("Windows 3.1") < 0);
if (_info.indexOf("Opera") > 0) _ie = false;
var _ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 && ((_info.indexOf("Win") > 0 && _info.indexOf("Win16")