▓•★★•▓ oHk pAldO. . . U tOo tAk cArE. N kEeP iNtOuCh. . . . GoD BleSs. . . . . . SaYoNaRa. .▓•★★•▓
▓•★★•▓oH PaLdO sO sAd 2 hEaRd bOuT uR cOuNtRy. . . . PrAyErS n oL sUpPoRtS r wIt uR pPl. LeTs hOpE 4 a mOr bLeSsInG 4rM 2dAy. I kNo iTz hArD eVn 2 iMaGiNe n iN ReAliTy iT bRiNgS pAiN n tEaRs. No wOrDs oR sUpPoRt cAn hElp mUcH Bt dOn loSt hOpE. UnItEd wE'L sTaNd aGaIn. . . . . GoD b wIt JaPaN. LoTs oF LoVe n sUpPoRt. ▓•★★•▓
are u ok sjs.im so sorry,bt we will pray for ur c0untry.
hi frenz in japan,tsunami had caused terrible damages,plus huge fire,n plus massive earthquake so all r devascated n panic.so 2 all the frenz be aware,alert n b save frenz in ur own country.sayonara...
sorry 4 late yeah dis is my new email addr pemalhaden14@yahoo.com.ok sayonara frenz..