My Friendship is like an onion, Which has many layers in it, it will add taste to your life, but if you try to cut it, you will have tears in your eyes.
Nice to be with U...bye of luck 4 Ur studies...ALLHA HAFIZ..
'MaNy PeOpLe oN thE eArTh giVeS yOu.. CrYinG TeArS aNd LaUgHinG SmiLEs... BuT ThErE aRe fEw pEopLe whO giVE yoU LaUgHinG TeArS aAd CrYinG SmiLeS... ThOsE vErY fEw aRe caLLeD FRIENDS...' miss you... WiShiNg">" border="0"/>WiShiNg fAbuLouS fRiDaY thanx