">http://www.pdsys.org/blog_images/26636_2Dhi_2Dcinderella_with.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://images.epilogue.net/users/hythshade/In_the_forest_of_dreams.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kpvli4ijMNY/SwbpRMhxylI/AAAAAAAAApA/L9VFvf65kCI/s1600/Dreaming_by_Sugargrl14.jpg" border="0"/> Good night sweet dreamselameral
in humility is in character...the real provety is the wealth of the soul..it felt wonderful life if there is sorry,but..taqabalallahu mina waminkum....go sighed..i do not want friend with you..please groan...you're not my destiny...mujahadah is my friend...missionary is the breath...and god is graduate...pardon all offenses.......
I BACK">http://sewar.panet.co.il/images/2011/06/11/thankyoubo.jpg" border="0"/> THANK YOU">http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WhH2-d08-ow/TPOcv8O3fqI/AAAAAAAAABE/_1Z1uDcg3-I/s1600/friend12312035887583076.jpg" border="0"/> MY FRIENDS">http://www.animalpictures.tk/wp-content/uploads/pictures/cat-pictures-wallpaper-726.jpg" border="0"/> ELAMERAL
tq My fRenz CuTee,pReeTy gurz..U so swEeT.. Am superBbbbbbbbBbbb...BaRbie Gurz BaBy beLLa daTs me.. SeLaMaT haRi raYa My Cutee frenz.. T/caRe mY deaR fRenz..
dh main pn mercun main munga api. best!!! sy pn sama gk. mnta maaf klu sy ada tkasar bahasa atau wat awk kcik ati mkn kt umah best2, so jgn la rsau k ;p awk pn jgn g main meriam lak. nnt org raya kt umah, awk raya kt spital